Thursday, January 11, 2007

first grade at Dora Moore

David, just in case you come back to look at the blog, you filled in a blank for me! I missed 70+ days of first grade, and could never remember my teacher's name. As soon as I saw it I knew it! Miss Wyatt. All kids remember their first grade teacher's name, not me. This is so exiting to me. Do you remember the librarian, she was a fossil! She was there when the school was new, for the rest of you it was built in the 1880s. It was a remarkable piece of architecture, and still there. The librarian could remember looking out the window and seeing Indian camps. When she said this, my eyes could have been mistaken for two over easies. I remember my fourth grade teacher, Miss Parks took her place. The significant think was Miss Parks read us from Babi Yaga, a Russian tale of a witch who lived in a house on chicken legs! When I was in East High School in Denver, I met an exchange student, whose parents immigrated to South America from Russia, OK, long story short, there were tears in his eyes when someone could relate to his childhood story. If I were clever enough I would now scan my photo from Dora Moore. East was designed after Independence Hall, a much larger version to house well over 1500 students back in the late 1960's. I graduated in 1969. More later. Lizzzzzzzzzzzy


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have a artist/dollmaker friend who did a piece based on Babba Yaga - that was the first time I heard of the story. You have some great memories to share it seems.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

oops, I spelled it wrong.

Bitchy person said...


I attended Dora Moore from 1980-1986 and I was just thinking about the school. I remember Ms. Wyatt, she was a screamer!!

I remember walking by her class in the old building, (the one built in 1889), and I believe that her class was in the basement somewhere and I could still here this woman scream on the first floor!!! I was in Mrs. Morris first grade at the time.

The only person that I remember in the library was Ms. Bell, don't know if that's who you are talking about.

Anyway glad to hear from someone from Dora Moore. Peace

oh, BTW, my blog is, would love for you to check it out sometime. Thanks
