Friday, January 12, 2007


That part was the only part that was easy. I swear this little nocturnal beast had been hit by a sudden burst of ADDHD. Tuffy was a closet overactive hamster, a hamster-zilla! How much sweat can a little girl sweat, I found out that day. I just knew I would get the horrid punishment of going to the office, to visit the dread paddle. The paddle viewing happened only once, the rest of the memory was blank. Tuffy spent hours in my desk, after pooping and peeing in my pocket. The desk was a metal open drawer type under the desk top. Tuffy was happy making confetti out of my papers, scampering with his toe nails that sounded like a flamingo dancers, tapping out Morris code, "Iam here, I am here!" Long story short, I did not get caught. Maybe the teacher realized I was suffering without additional consequences. Maybe she was deaf that day. Rest assured it was Tuffy's last day of school, and as far as I know Tuffy returned to the mild mannered normal nocturnal cutie. I often wonder how Tuffy would tell the story. Lizzzy


lizzzzzzzy said...

dear readers, as I was editing I punched forgive the spellings and typos.

Lila Rostenberg said...

No problem...with the dashboard, you can go to "new Post"..see the tab for "edit posts...and bring up your original even if it has been posted...and change/work on it!

Unknown said...

Oh I swear I have had a ball reading your escapades. I also wonder how your little friend would tell the story.